Download - Morrnah's Prayer
Music: Air J.S.Bach
3,99 €
Divine creator, mother, father, son as one...
If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you,
your family, relatives and ancestors
in thoughts, words, deeds or actions
from the beginning of our creation to
the present, we ask your forgiveness.
Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light
And it is done. Thank YOU. Amen
About this product
Audio samples
Ho’oponopono Repentence Prayer - German
Ho’oponopono Repentence Prayer - English
The approach to solving problems according to Morrnah Simeona:
Prayer, pule
Recognizing & addressing the problem
Accept: It is my problem and therefore I have something to do with it.
Responsibility: I take responsibility for the situation.
I show compassion: I am sorry (I see that I am suffering and I see that you are suffering).
I apologize. I'm sorry and I'm asking to absolve myself of guilt.
I forgive (myself and all involved) and ask for forgiveness.
I forgive myself and everyone involved.
I'm thankful for compassion and the experience.
I love myself with all my strengths and weaknesses. I love you with all your strengths and weaknesses.
Amama, it's done: I let go. The matter is now with God.
Aloha: I see the divine in you and me
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Music | Download Deutsch – German, Download English |